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About Evolve Psychotherapy

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.

Jason Shiers

Here for you

I am Jason Shiers, a certified psychotherapist & a certified transformative coach with 25 years of experience in helping professions.

I have been working with people and helping to change lives for as long as I can remember in one way or another, while going through my own change, and learning about how the mind works, I bring together 25+ years of experience and learning from all paradigms of change, integrating psychodynamic and somatic approach with spiritual understanding of Non Duality and the 3 Principles discovered by Sydney Banks.

We Provide:

We also offer free group sessions for families or anyone closely connected to you.


In their own words


List of qualifications

Advanced Psychotherapist

Transactional Analysis

Advanced Transformative Coach

Supercoach Academy LA

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