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Anorexia Nervosa Therapy

Are you looking for ways to overcome Anorexia Nervosa? Anorexia Nervosa, this term might sound like a big disease but no need to be afraid of it. Anorexia is the result of a self-worth problem and this exploitative behaviour affects society through social media, magazines, and celebrities but do not worry it is perfectly curable. You’re in the right place if you want to get back to your normal life once again.

What is Anorexia nervosa?

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that causes you to starve yourself because you want to avoid weight gain or a distorted body image. If you have anorexia nervosa, you may also have other symptoms, including anxiety disorders or depression. However, it’s mainly because of having a distorted perception of your body and that’s why we’re here to help you.

You might develop anorexia nervosa in your adolescence and early adulthood. It’s more common in girls than boys, though it can affect either sex. Regardless of sex, you can fight this condition and overcome it with the help of simple treatments.

What causes Anorexia?

Anorexia nervosa is a health condition that can lead to weight loss and malnutrition. It’s often caused by your unhealthy relationship with food and eating patterns. However, there are many ways to solve this issue and we’ve got your back! The best way of seeking treatment for anorexia is to stop worrying about gaining weight and getting your body back into a healthy range. But if you’re afraid of gaining weight or having difficulty getting enough calories in your diet, it’s good to seek help from a doctor or therapist who will definitely solve your problem.

What are the symptoms of Anorexia?

If you’ve been thinking about eating less and less, or if you’ve noticed yourself feeling very sick in the morning, these could be signs that you’re suffering from anorexia. If you detect any of these Eating disorder symptoms then make sure to go for treatment because the earlier you go for treatment the easier it is to recover. Following are some of the most common symptoms of anorexia:

Mood Changes

Changes in mood are one of the most common signs of anorexia. You may feel unusually happy or sad, irritable or angry. You can also feel numb or detached from your emotions.

Physical Changes

Some physical changes that might occur in your body as a result of anorexia include loss of weight (which may lead to weakness), constipation, dry skin, hair loss, and brittle nails. You may also experience other health issues such as heart problems and trouble sleeping due to low body temperature caused by decreased metabolism (the rate at which your body uses up energy).

Behavioural Changes

You might purge after eating, by vomiting, fasting or by other means. Purging is a way of getting rid of calories or food you’ve eaten—and it may be the only way you see yourself as being able to control your weight.Behavioural changes associated with anorexia include: obsessing over food and calories you consumed. It can also be seen commonly if you have anorexia, you avoid situations that involve food, and you are likely to feel guilty after eating even small amounts. You must have also observed skipping meals or starving yourself altogether.

If you have these symptoms of anorexia nervosa, keep calm as it is observed commonly and we believe that you can recover from it if you follow the given treatment tips.

What can help - Anorexia treatment

Therapy and treatment can help you learn to manage your eating disorder, stop the hyper focus on calories and intake and begin eating for the sake of healing your body. Treatments are designed to help you developing new ways of thinking about food and your body, as well as find other ways to cope with difficult emotions.

Getting support for Anorexia Nevrosa

Anorexia is a mental illness that affects your life. It’s not just about food, it’s about how you feel about yourself, how others treat you, and what you want from life. But you don’t need to worry at all as we have a solution for it. Getting support for anorexia can seem difficult at first but it’s not as bad as you think.

There are so many ways to get help, from your friends and family to medical professionals and therapists. You can find support online through forums, social media groups, and other resources. The key is just taking that first step and knowing that you deserve the best treatment possible.

Counselling and therapy for Anorexia

Counselling for Anorexia will help you learn what triggers your disorder and how to deal with those triggers so that you feel comfortable. Most importantly, anorexia therapy will teach you how to take care of yourself by making healthy choices and finding a way to treat severe weight loss.

Following are some of the common counselling methods that are used to treat anorexia:

Psychotherapy for Anorexia

Anorexia is a disorder that can be treated with psychotherapy and it works really well. It’s better to seek treatment if you have anorexia. Psychotherapy techniques will help you overcome the symptoms of anorexia, as well as prevent relapse.


These include motivational interviewing, which helps you identify and address your own motivation for change; family-based therapy, which helps families of those with eating disorders get support; and group therapy, where individuals can discuss their experiences with others who have similar issues.

CBT for Anorexia

In cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), you’ll work with a therapist who will help you identify the thoughts that contribute to your symptoms. This includes both positive thoughts and negative ones. You’ll also be taught how to challenge these thoughts by changing them into more realistic ones or replacing them entirely with other more helpful beliefs.


For example: “I’m not good enough” becomes “I am good enough!”


After identifying these thoughts and feelings, your therapist will help you design ways to overcome them through exposure therapy—a technique where you’re gradually exposed to situations and objects that trigger your anxiety over time. This way, you can better deal with it.

Counselling for Anorexia

A counsellor or a mental health professional can help you understand your mental health conditions and develop healthy attitudes towards eating, and they can teach you to deal with your emotions in a healthy way. Whether or not you have anorexia, a counsellor can help you develop the tools to cope with life’s stresses in a healthier way which is really good.


A counsellor will work with you on developing healthy eating habits, such as meal planning and cooking nutritious meals. They will also help you identify when to eat or not eat based on your body’s signals. A counsellor can help you learn how to manage stress so that it does not impact your eating habits. They will teach you how to recognize what triggers your stress so that you can avoid those triggers when possible or find other ways to cope if necessary.

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Benefits of therapy for Anorexia

Therapists and other mental health professionals can be great resources for you if you want to reduce eating disorder symptoms. Some of the benefits of therapy for anorexia include:

Talking about how you feel

Talking about how you feel can be one of the most important parts of eating disorder treatment and is one of the best one. Talking about your feelings helps you to understand them better, which is essential to healing from anorexia. It also helps you to express those feelings in an appropriate way, so that you don’t end up isolating yourself or being afraid to express yourself in other ways. 

Building a connection to your body

If you have anorexia you might feel disconnected from your body due to low self-esteem or shame about your appearance but it’s gonna be alright. In order for you to feel better, it can be helpful to develop a connection with your body. This can be done by learning more about how your body works and what it needs.

Challenging negative thoughts

Negative thoughts are common among people with anorexia, but they can be dangerous because they lead us to make poor choices that can harm our bodies and minds. However, this isn’t the end of the world! Therapy can help you learn how to challenge negative thoughts when they arise and replace them with positive ones instead. If a negative thought enters your mind during treatment, write it down on a piece of paper so you can address it later during therapy sessions or at home.


Bringing motivation to change

Therapy can also give you the motivation to change. If you feel like there’s no point in living or having healthy eating habits because of how far gone they are, counseling can help give you the tools needed to make those changes.

Support groups after treatment for Anorexia Nervosa

After treatment for anorexia, the most important thing to remember is that you are not alone. There are a lot of people who have struggled with this illness and have recovered from it. It may seem like no one understands what you’re going through, but there are people who do understand, and they want to help you. They can’t do that if you don’t let them in, though!

You might feel like your anorexia is too much for anyone else to handle—but it’s not. You just need to find the right support group or group leader who can help you on your journey back to health.

Question & Answers


We do not get involved in behavioural change tactics, because your eating is your coping mechanism, however, your behaviour will naturally change when we work together.

Yes you can still have conversations while you are in hospital, you may well need physical support at some point if you're severely underweight or refusing to eat, we can guide you to that help should you need it.

Therapy for anorexia will have a long term effect on your weight as you start to form a new relationship with food and your body, it will not be so scary to gain weight and you will start to enjoy food again.

There is no one best therapy for anything, everything is built on the relationship, presence and mutual exploration and connection between 2 people that has value.

About The Author

Jason Shiers Dip.Psych MBACP

Jason Shiers Dip.Psych MBACP

Jason Shiers is a Certified Transformative Coach & Certified Psychotherapist. Jason has been working with addictions and people in recovery for over 25 years now and is always looking towards the innate mental health that is inside everyone.

This therapy is a holistic view of the mind body taking approaches from psychological understandings, somatic practices and spiritual explorations such as non duality and advaita vedanta.

Jason has been cited in multiple articles about addiction, therapy, coaching and mental health and is a regular contributor to many different websites.


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